I, like most people, have very grand ideas of how to decorate the living room in my home. However, home decor can be quite expensive and time consuming. For this reason, I am always looking for design ideas that are inexpensive and yet classic.
Below are the tips that will help you design and decorate your living room in the most cost effective manner.
1. Acquire the living room essentials:
First things first, get the things that are most basic for your living room. In the very least, this includes the sofa set, TV, sound/music system, the curtains and if possible the coffee table. These will be the most significant items in your living room and also the most expensive items. Invest in pieces that will last a long time as the cost involved in changing these items can be quite high.
2. Update the wall.
The wall is the most significant part of your living room. You may choose to maintain the present oil paint which in most cases is either white or creamy, or you may decide to update the wall by applying a new paint or using stylish wall papers. Painting the living room wall can be quite expensive and you dont want to spend a fortune in the colour that may be out of style after a short while. The alternative is to use wall papers. Wall papers come in different shades, size and colours. Choose the one that represents the tone/theme of your living room. Below are some inspirational wall papers you may wish to consider:

The choice of wallpapers is endless and the good news is that its an inexpensive decor trick. You can get similar and other wall papers from ebay, amazon, etsy and any other local stores.
3. Decorate the sofa sets:
There are a number of ways that you can update the basic look of your sofa set. Try adding accents like Pillows and/or throws. This will bring character to the room and make it brighter and bigger. The trick here is to choose accents that match the sofa size and style and not go overboard with the amount of accents. Too many accents become clutter instead of becoming decor items.
4. Add flowers in the right places:
Consider adding flowers to the flat surfaces such as the coffee table or on the TV unit. The choice of flowers should such that compliment the piece and not overwhelm it. Avoid big flowers as they tend to make the room appear smaller. Choose flowers of appropriate size and colour to lighten up the room. Below are some of the floral arrangements that you may wish to consider for your living room.
5. Choose the right carpet or floor rug:
When I first lived with my cousin in our bachelor pad, we chose the wrong carpet and our living room ended looking two sizes smaller than it was. From then on I learnt, the smaller the better. If possible choose a carpet/rug that only covers the coffee table. This will bring in a contrast with the floor and make the living room appear bigger than it actually is. The trick is to choose the carpet that matches the floor. Below are some of the ideas for living room carpets;
6. Incorporate art:
Art is a form of communication, The type of art you choose for your living room should communicate the values and likes of the family members. Keep in mind the living room is a family room, therefore whatever art is in the room should be a family theme or mood. Living room art can vary from family portraits to portraits of places the whole family has been together, or even contemporary art. Below are some of the ideas on how to incorporate art into the living room.
I hope this ideas can help you decorate your living. Let me know what you think in the comment section below.