QUIXOTIC Lifestyle

QUIXOTIC Lifestyle: November 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

Lipstick Monday: Nude Lipsticks

Hey Lovely readers,

Nude Lipsticks are quite the “ish” when it comes to minimal corporate looks. But for chocolate sisters like myself, nude lipsticks can make you appear like a sick person.
Below are a few tips that can help my fellow ladies in choosing and applying nude lipsticks.

1.       Avoid pale nudes.

Pale nude lipsticks washes your lips and make you appear sick. Choose a strong nude lipstick. Swap the nude lipstick at the back of your hand and choose only those that compliment your skin tone.

2.       Line your lips with a brown liner.

A brown lip liner darkens the nude color and makes it pop. If you use the nude lipstick on its own, you run a risk of having washed out lips.

3.       Start the application from the center of your lips.

The center part of the lips can be the lightest shade of nude. Apply the lipstick at this part and smear it all over the lips. This will ensure an even coverage and proper shade.

4.       Don’t gloss the lips.

If using a lipstick with oily consistent, avoid the use of lip-gloss as they tend to lighten the color of the lipstick.

I hope this tips are useful. Let me know if you have additional tips for applying nude lipstick in the comments section below.

Thanks for stopping by.

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