QUIXOTIC Lifestyle

QUIXOTIC Lifestyle: March 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Real Talk: Weight Loss

Hi Lovely readers,

Welcome back to my blog. A few people have asked me to advise them on weight loss tricks. Well I am not a fitness/health expert in any shape or form. But in my limited knowledge, I am sure that a person can lose weight by eating healthy and exercising.
I once blogged about exercising here, so for healthy eating, I had to get ideas from a health expert Dr Oz. Here are some of the tips that may help in weight loss according to Dr Oz.
1. Drink hot lemon water in the morning.
I can seriously attest to this. I have been drinking hot water with lemon each weekday and I have seen tremendous changes in my metabolism. I don't fell blotted or gassy as I used to feel back in the day.

2. Water is your best friend.
75% of our bodies is water, so it is important that we are well hydrated. Dr Oz suggests that you drink water first anytime you feel hungry. Sometimes our body sends a message of thirst as hunger. So drink a glass of water instead of a chocolate bar to suffice the hunger.

3. Fruits and Veggies should make a large part of our meals.
Having meals with more fruits and veggies contents is a free ticket to weight loss.

4.Eat food in small portions.
I remember Halle Berry once said, " Eat everything, but in small proportions". The true fact is large portions of food have an impact on the size of our intestines. If you are used to eating large portions of food, your intestine will expand to accommodate the food portions. Eat small portions of foods frequently instead of a one large sit down. The trick here is to eat on a smaller plate that a large plate.
5. Juicing id the new weight loss ish.
If you want to see rapid weight changes, change your dinner to drinking smoothies. The metabolism for smoothies is fast as compared to solid foods.

These are the five tips that I consider doable for weight loss. Dr Oz wrote an article how 100 ways of how you can lose weight. You can check his article here.
I hope these tips are helpful. Let me know of any additional tips in the comments section below!.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

First Date Tag

Hey lovely reader,
Welcome back to my blog. I saw some first date tag videos on YouTube (you can watch them here) and I thought it’s a cool TAG and I should do it. (Yes, am a hopeless romantic).  
So here we go;

1.       How long does it take to get ready for a date?

Well, I will take my sweet time every time am getting ready to go out. So roughly between an hour or two.

2.       What’s your idea of a perfect date?

a.       Dinner – is my ideal first date category. It’s an exclusive and romantic way of getting to know the lovey dovey side of my date.
b.      Drinks – I like drinks date coz it’s the type of date where I will open up and be totally free. So I will opt for this type of date if I really like the guy.
c.       Cinema - Does this qualify as a date?
d.      Adventurous date – No please.

3.       What type of outfit will you gravitate more for a date night?

If it’s a dinner date, I will prefer a dress that's not too flattery but ladylike. If it's cold, I will add a leather jacket to keep warm.
If it’s a drinks date then I will prefer denim type of outfit. I would most definitely go for my white denim and pair it with a nice top and killer heels.




4.       On the date of your choice, what make up will you wear?

I am not a make up fanatic or make-up guru for that matter, but on first dates, I like to have simple make-up with a nude lip and soft eyeliner.

5.       Your date asks for the bill, do you…

a.       Offer to pay with the actual intention to pay?
b.      Make a fuss – with no intention of paying?
c.       Expect him to pay straight away?
Well, I will make a fuss with no intention of paying. If he agrees, then I automatically conclude that this was not a date but rather just a hangout. J

6.       It’s time to say goodbye, you really like your date. Do you?

a.       Wave
b.      Hug
c.       Kiss on the cheek
d.      Peck
e.      Full on smooch
I am awkward and I think I will wave. If he initiates a hug then I will reciprocate but I am sure I won’t kiss him.
Thanks for stopping by.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Packing Tips: The Corporate edition

Hi Lovely readers,
Welcome back to my blog. I was packing the other day and realised how packing had got easier with time. I used to travel with a big bag but suffered from lack of clothing when I arrived at my destination. After a lot of trials and errors and reading through a lot of articles and blogs; I have come up with tips that help me travel light and with the appropriate amount of clothing.

1. Get in touch with the weather man

First things first, you need to know the climate of the area you are travelling to. This will help you determine the type of clothing you should pack and even the type of bag you should have.

 2. Plan your outfits
Write down what you will wear on each day that you are away and select the clothes you will require. I always pack clothes that can be worn on different styles to prevent carrying a large amount of clothing. Don't forget to include the right undergarments for your planned outfits.

3. Pack your toiletries in the correct bag
If you are flying and have only a carry on bag, make sure your liquids are in the correct size bottles and well packed in their bag to avoid spillage.

 4. Day to night accessories.
Always pack something that will take you straight from the office to a party. A good clutch will immediately transform day look to night look.


5. Pack a variety of shoes
I was one of those people who will pack only functional shoes. I would pack either flats or work shoes, but then something unexpected event will happen and I wouldn't have shoes to update my outfits for the events. But I have learnt it is important to carry a variety of shoes that will function for all types of occasions.

6. Protect your accessories and delicate fabrics.

If you are travelling with sequined or similar outfits, make sure they are wrapped to prevent damage. I actually learnt this from Wendy's lookbook (here).


  I hope this tips are helpful. Let me know of any additional tips in the comments section below.




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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sexy Talk: Lingerie Must Haves!

Hi Lovely readers,
Welcome back to my blog. Today, I am going outside of my comfort zone and will write on a subject I wouldn't normally discuss in such a public forum.
Lingerie is one of the most important item in a ladies wardrobe. You are likely to have a wardrobe malfunction if you don't wear the right lingerie. In addition to being a wardrobe staple, lingerie can be a feel good outfit. Wear the right lingerie and I guarantee you will boost your feel good factors.
I have compiled a list of few essential lingerie's that every lady should have in their wardrobe. I have even included links of where you can purchase these lingerie's.
1. Strapless Bra!
Buy here (other alternatives here)
Nothing irritates me, like showy bra straps. If you are wearing a strapless dress or a low cut dress, I suggest you go for the strapless bra instead of the bras with colourless straps. Luckily, there are brands that offer a range of size form A to FF. Choose the one that's suitable for you. If you have the cash to spend on a strapless bra, I suggest you opt for the Wonder-Bra Brand, they are a bit pricey but ooh so worth it.
2. Bra Clips.
Buy here (cheaper alternative here)
I didn't know of bra clips, until a friend of mine schooled me on them. When wearing halter neck of dresses or tops, it's nice to have bra clips to pull back the bra straps.
3. Thong
Buy here
I recommend thongs to all the corporate ladies who wear suit or official pants. It's very unladylike and awkward for panties edges to be seen through the trouser. 
4. Black lace panties
Buy here
If you cant wear a thong, I suggest you opt for the boxer brief lace panties. They serve the same purpose and are more comfortable in comparison to the thong.
5. Satin Slip/Shimizi/Gagulo/
Buy here
Every lady needs atleast one slip/shimizi/gagulo in their wardrobe for the see through dresses or skirts.
6. Sexy Night Lingerie
Buy here
I am always surprised when ladies buy these when they are about to get married or when they are going for honeymoon. I feel like every lady should wear a sexy night lingerie whether they are single or married. Feeling sexy should be influenced by someone else, it's a personal feeling.
I hope this has been helpful, let me know of any other lingerie essentials in the comments section below.
Thank you for stopping by.

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